Our Kindergarten to Prep Transition Program is designed to support children’s successful transition to starting school at Mount Beauty Primary School. A range of activities have been developed to provide informal, introductory school experiences to help children become familiar with our school environment and be comfortable about taking the next step along their learning pathway. Our year 6 buddy sessions at Lakeview Childrens Centre and our five session transition program implemented in the lead up to a new school start helps to make the transition from home and kinder to primary school a positive and gentle experience.
Prep teacher visits to Lake View Children’s Centre for children and parents to meet Mount Beauty Primary School teachers, and regular meetings with Kinder teachers, allows important information to be gathered and shared which further supports a smooth transition. Parents and carers of Prep students are also invited to information sessions and informal morning teas, providing an introduction to the school curriculum and programs, tips for supporting your child’s transition and information on administrative details such as uniform and enrolment procedures.
The final transition day allows children to meet their teacher and classmates for the following year. The morning classroom experiences are followed by a picnic lunch for families that enables parents and children to establish new relationships in the school community.
Our 2024 Prep transition dates and times are
Tuesday 12th November
9:30am - 10:30am
Students will attend this session with their kinder teacher or please meet us in our undercover area at MBPS
Tuesday 19th November
9:30am - 10:30am
Students will attend this session with their kinder teacher or please meet us in our undercover area at MBPS
Tuesday 26th November
10am - 12pm Please meet Ellen at the bus stop shelter on Tennis Crt Avenue to sign your child in with her.
Tuesday 3rd December
10am - 12pm Please meet Ellen at the bus stop shelter on Tennis Crt Avenue to sign your child in with her.
Statewide Transition Day
Tuesday 10th December
9am - 2pm
We are excited to welcome our new students and help them explore our school together.
The transition from primary school to secondary school is another major milestone for your child. Leaving primary school can be exciting and daunting, and it is our school’s responsibility to help make this move as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
As Year 6 students decide on their preference for high school, teachers and the Principal support the transition by completing any necessary documentation and liaise with each secondary school our Year 6s will be attending. Each secondary school develops their own transition visits once enrolments have been completed. There is an Orientation Day for all government schools in December of each year to support this transition.
Mount Beauty Secondary College organises a series of transition days where Year 6 students attend classes and activities at the Secondary College to familiarise them with the school environment and routines. Students also spend time developing relationships and connections with Year 10 students as part of a peer support program.
Parents are encouraged to speak with their child’s teacher to discuss any concerns or questions regarding the transition process from Year 6 to Year 7.
Year 6 to 7 Placement Information Pack for Parents and Carers
For more information for parents and carers on how to enrol and support their child moving from primary to secondary school please visit the Department Website information here.
Students may be transitioning from one school to another at any stage in the school year. To facilitate a transition to Mount Beauty Primary School, and to assist us in preparing the best learning environment for your child, we appreciate receiving as much information as possible about their learning, needs and interests. Mount Beauty Primary School children and staff are welcoming and friendly, and will do their best to make your child’s first weeks safe, happy and enjoyable.
© Mount Beauty Primary School